good idea!
but...the flash wasn't all that well done. Good job on all the controversy, I love how all the christians played the game all the way to the end and THEN bitched about it, HEY if it offends you, don't watch it! I loved the bible quotes, it just shows that you can't take the bible too literally although thats what most christians do. Also, I love how all these christians that hold the bible as the Sacred Word of God, manage to turn from, meek, kind, gentle, loving souls, into crazy, near-satanical, hate-mongers when their faith is insulted. This is the same concept as all the "holy wars", (we demand that you love your neighbor and never kill and if you don't agree we're gonna NUKE YOUR ASS!!!%&*#$) total hypocrisy. Anyway next time you're planning something sacri-licious put a bit more work into it. And seriously... why would the christians even click on this? I'd think that seeing a obviously sacriligious icon and purposefully watching it would get you sent to hell too.